With a family in our community that needed help when faced with a horrific accident. When things seemed hopeless, a group of concerned people came together to raise money for this family. 

Following our first repsonse to a need, it was suggested that we continue our efforts to help others in the surrounding areas.

We look forward to being able to help our neighbors and give them hope.

Thank you for all of your support. We would not be able to continue this charity without your help.

Helping Other People Excel, Inc. is an organization designed to helping friends, families and neighbors of the Bald Eagle community when tragedy strikes.

It all started.......
253 Sycamore Lane, Julian, PA 16844
Helping Other People Excel, Inc.
Once you choose hope,
             Anything is possible...


Anyone wishing to make a monetary donation to Helping Other People Excel, Inc. please make your check payable to :   

Helping Other People Excel, Inc.  


Helping Other People Excel, Inc.
253 Sycamore Lane
Julian, PA  16844


We are helping neighbors in the Bald Eagle Valley and surrounding areas

“Our job is not to judge. Our job is not to figure out if someone deserves something. Our job is to lift the fallen, restore the broken and to heal the hurting ." 


Jeff Walker, President 

Curt Heverly, Vice-President

Melinda Mitchell, 2nd Vice-President

  Diane Lucas, Secretary​

Joan Parsons, Treasurer

Cheryl Walker, Treasurer

Dave Lomison, Fundraising Chairman

Sharon Witmer, Committee

Steve Stem, MC

Janice Heverly

Dave Lomison

Jessica Lomison

Barb Mitchell

Devin Summers

Sandy Switzer 

Sharon Witmer

Marilee Close

Cortney Dyke

Joan Parsons

Lisa Stem

Steve Stem

Travis Stem

Rich Witmer